Dr Bodners takes a real world approach, addressing head-on the often uncomfortable realities of leadership in corporate settings. Providing practical tools to help her audience lead in a way that is healthy and constructive.
Caring & Accountability are Not Mutually Exclusive
Companies are moving in the direction of being more caring and employee centered, with the focus not just on the work, but the human being doing the work. Many mangers are mistakenly interpreting this as needing to be “soft” and not being able to hold people accountable.
Dr. Bodner provides practical guidance and tools based on two key truths: 1) Expectations don’t have to be lowered to be kind and caring. 2) You don’t have to be a jerk to give tough feedback.
Be The Adult
Leaders are often frustrated with the dysfunctional in their organizations. As most of us well know, corporations, large and small, are plagued by immaturity. The behaviors are often reminiscent of middle school “mean girls” … but played out by grown men and women with real power over the livelihood of hundreds.
Dr. Bodner offers council and a few basic guidelines on how to avoid accidentally falling into less than adult behaviors in our work environments.
Taking the “Ick” Out of Office Politics
Office politics get a bad rap, for good reason. But the reality is, corporate politics do exist and, for an executive, not playing the game is simply not an option. Indeed, being politically savvy is critical to the long-term success of an executive.
The option lies in HOW you play the game. When leaders engage in politics in a healthy and constructive manner, it can elevate the norms of the “political game” within the company and lessen the power of those who play politics in harmful ways.
Dr. Bodner re-frames the game of politics and offers guidance on a healthy approach to office politics.
High Flying Executive Transitions
Transitioning from one level of leadership to the next can be very challenging. It requires the leader to adapt the way they think and behave … and often to stop doing the very things that have led to their success thus far. That transition can be downright overwhelming when combined with the learning curve and the new power dynamics.
Dr. Bodner shares how executives can remain authentic and find the path to success, not just for the themselves, but for their new organization.
Developing the Lady Boss
Male leaders, while well intentioned and willing to develop female talent, often do not fully understand the gender related challenges many women leaders encounter. The results is that male leaders are flying blind in their efforts to develop and promote women. Which is neither beneficial to the organization or its female leaders.
Dr Bodner provides a healthy environment for both male & female leaders to discuss gender perceptions and break down walls around the topic that fear and discomfort have built up.
From #MeToo to UsTwo: Getting Real About Men as Allies
Women leaders are frustrated: Talk to any female leader and each will share a shockingly similar list of challenges that they face professionally. Women in power often counter mental models, which creates discomfort and negatively impacts how women leaders are perceived.
Male leaders are defensive: The current zeitgeist characterizes men as the primary root of female challenges in corporations. Additionally, well intentioned sexual harassment training and the #MeToo movement have scared male leaders so that they avoid time alone with women or discussing gender issues for fear of unintentionally offending or being misinterpreted.
The solution is relatively simple … and yet complex.
Both men and women leaders need to have their experiences and viewpoints validated. Only then can they see beyond their own perspective and be enlighten as to the experience of the opposite gender.
Then one woman at a time, one man at a time, together moving past their frustration and defensiveness can positively impact the advancement of women.
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